Monday, March 14, 2011

Expo 2010 Shanghai China

Disclaimer: I know it's March 2011 and these photos were all taken last year, 2010, but that does not mean I can't blog about them anymore. The way I see it, pictures/videos capture not the moment but the memory of the experience; it triggers back how you felt and what you saw... taking you back to that experience. ALL PHOTOS BY JI unless otherwise stated

I won't go into details of the entire Expo, I will just be sharing our trip's highlights.
Just to give you an idea of how MASSIVE the entire Expo ground was, they opted to divide it into 5 different section, A,B, C,D and E having each sections subdivided as well.

Expo 2010 Site Image source:
2- number of new inventions presented in the Expo
5.28 - in sq. km the total area of the Expo Site   

246 Flags of Participating Countries
246 - Number of participating countries
22900 - number of events  held in the Expo
79965 - number of volunteers
73 - in millions, the number of visitors it had

The Expo had its own transportation system. Buses are scheduled to go around and have different routes.
They also provided a Ferry to cross to the other side of the Expo. All transportations are FREE.

Zone A Pavilions:
 Morocco Pavilion
Morocco Pavilion

The first Pavilion we entered, showcased the rich architecture of the country.
I wanted this to be my house.
Interior of Morocco Pavilion

Kyrgyz Republic Pavilion

Inside the Kyrgyz Republic Pavilion
Kazakhstan Pavilion

South Korea Pavilion
One of my personal favorites, but wasn't able to go in since it had a 3-hour waiting.
S. Korea Pavilion
To give you an idea how intricate the exterior of this pavilion was, see the photos below:
South Korea Pavilion Closer View
South Korea Pavilion
United Arab Emirates Pavilion
This particular Pavilion was another crowd favorite, I like how the structure is a Sand Dune.
United Arab Emirates Pavilion
European Countries to follow

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