Saturday, March 19, 2011

More Sights from the Expo 2010

Disclaimer: I know it's March 2011 and these photos were all taken last year, 2010, but that does not mean I can't blog about them anymore. The way I see it, pictures/videos capture not the moment but the memory of the experience; it triggers back how you felt and what you saw...taking you back to that experience. ALL PHOTOS BY JI unless otherwise stated 

Call me weird but I am fascinated with empty spaces, most of the time when I travel I prefer to take pictures of scenes without any person. I just want to have this notion that I was alone. However during the Expo this scenario was simply impossible, I think its in the entirety of China, since it is heavily populated. don't get me wrong I am a people person, its just that sometimes its better to take pictures without strangers in it. Here are a few of my shots during the expo sans the crowd.

More sights from the Expo. 
Towards the end of our first day, we went up to the Expo Culture Center. It's one of the most recognizable structures from a distance, it looks like an UFO that laded, its kind of cool actually. The top floor has its perimeter as a view deck, a 360-degree-view of the Expo grounds and its surrounding is quite a view at night
Expo Culture Center

Image source:

Sceneries from the view deck.

I will try to upload a video that summarizes my Expo 2010 Experience

I know the picture quality isn't that good. I was running on super low battery for my canon 550d at this time so I i just used my back up 400d camera with prime lens mounted. I also remember, how tired and hungry I was. I was sticky with sweat from walking all day under the heat. It was one of those experiences where it makes you just wanna go home to your bed to sleep all you want..

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