Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What is next?

So after the whole China Experience, you may wonder what is next for this travel freak hehe

I admit at one point I was a sucker for ...KPOP only because SNSD members are so darn hot and that I was crushing on this Korean girl I was introduced to.. ok fine until now I crush her..  and don't get me started with romantic but tear-jerker Korean movies.. i have a list i can recommend.

Enough with the gossip.

So yeah expect some Soju, Bulgogi, Bibimbap,Kimchi, Ginseng and Autumn Leaves.. in short Seoul-full Korea! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

China-The Food Experience

No travel would be compete without fully experiencing the local cuisine.
Sure Chinese Food has gone global, but most of us would agree that nothing beats the authenticity of any cuisine that is served from its origin. I was also surprised  to learn that chinese cuisine is still evolving, and modern Shanghai is at the forefront of it. Chinese street food also has a wide range, it isn't spared from what most of us consider as taboo although it still has more "normal" street food.

Enjoy the video of my  mouthwatering food experience.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beijing Experience

Experience Beijing.

If Shanghai was scorching hot, Beijing was refreshingly cool. The Autumn weather was perfect for exploring this beautiful city. From the historic Tiananmen Square that serves as a gate to the Forbidden City, to China's best imperial garden the stunning and equally enormous Summer Palace, to the modern structures of the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube and not to forget the infamous Great Wall of China. Beijing has truly a lot to offer.